How to get Hex grid to shape to terrain?

Hi, and thank you in advance for you help :slight_smile:

So, i have a Hex grid and it is for a first person survival game and it is to show in green in first person mode, overlaying the terrain when i press a key but i dont know how to get the hex grid to fit on the terrain. Basically the way it works is when the player collides with on of the hex’s (which are transparent by default ) the blueprint attached to the hex changes the players gather rate within that hex. And i would like to know, 1. If there is a better way to check if the player is within the hex than checking collision, 2. How i could get the hex grid to shape to the terrain , as right now, it just is flat and floats above the terrain (as seen in picture). Thanks again for any help, if you need to know more , please just ask, i am new to unreal and could use the help

this way isn’t perfect but it is definitely the “close enough” way of doing it. for starters you will need to have a few things known which may be difficult depending on what your hex grid actually is. if it’s a grid with each hex having its own location then just have the player’s attributes change based on whether or not he is within the radius of the hex grid like so:

view distance would be your radius, target and other actor would be your player and hex grid. the casting shouldn’t be necessary for you, just make sure that the hex plane stays on at the same Z location as the player.

As for how to have it appear on the terrain just make scale able material grid that matches your grids dimensions and apply that material as a additive decal in world space.

the flaws with this method is that it works more like a grid of circles and not hexagons. this will create issues when the character is on the border of 2 different hex grid positions. this is much faster than checking collision though.