UE4 packaging all engine assets

I’m encountering an issue which has plagued me forever, but is finally now hindering my usage - UE4 seems to be packaging every single engine asset into my game, despite me only using a handful of my own assets, and not using a single engine one?
I think this because it needs to compile thousands of shaders despite me only using one material, and reading the output log shows it is packaging all the engine content.

Anyone know how to stop this?
I think it might be related to my previously asked, and still unresolved, issue of UE4 freezing for a long time when starting a packaging action.

This is the default behavior, you have to disable it under your ProjectSettings->Project->Packaging->Packaging->Exclude editor content when cooking.

That must be new, as I’ve never heard of nor seen this setting till now.
Thanks - it appears to be doing as expected, though I’ve now encountered another issue which is hindering my dev.