HiResShot Crashes in Packaged Windows Game

This works in all 4.16 versions, and crashes in 4.17. We’re calling HiRes Shot from a blueprint console command node. We have only confirmed that it crashes in packaged shipping builds and does not crash in-editor.

It’s an access violation at FViewport::HighResScreenshot() […\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\unrealclient.cpp:905]
const int32 OldForceLOD = CVarForceLOD->GetInt();

Here’s my temporary workaround:

In UnrealClient.cpp, comment the following lines (which were added for 4.17):

  • 900: static auto CVarForceLOD…
  • 905: const int32 OldForceLOD…
  • 913: CVarForceLOD…
  • 943: CVarForceLOD…

Having the exact same problem. 4.17 using highresshot crashes a packaged build but not in the editor. @Gigakaiser, did you edit UnrealClient.cpp in VisualStudio?