Does UE4 have any material not based on UV?

Thank you so much for your help!!!

I know the basic work flow in UE4, but I’m wondering weather I can just create a material that just base on param .

For example, I’ve made 3 objects combine together also their UV, the thing is I didn’t make the UV ideal, like the UV on one side didn’t face the same direction, now I want to give them a gradient map falloff from up to down, but with the present UV I can’t work it out. Though I can just bake the diffuse map in other 3D software, with this fixed map it’s just not flexible, if I want to make some change I have to go over again.

If UE4 have any material not based on UV please let me know~~~Hopefully I can make myself understood.

Thank you so much!

A height gradient can be achieved with the “WorldPostion” node. It’s no surprise it gives the xyz position of your vertices. With “Mask” you get the blue channel which gives you the height or z value.“Divide” that and bring it to a 0-1 range. Then you can use the “Lerp” node with your 2 different colors.