UE 4.17 drag and drop not working

I’ve created a drag and drop inventory from official Unreal tutorial with Wes Bunn, previously in 4.16 - everything works prefect, but soon as I update project to 4.17 drag and drop not working, when I press the button and drag nothing happen, no drag and drop widget is created, any ideas why? Please help


Same problem, i’ve done the same tutorial, and as i upgraded the editor to the latest version (4.17), the drag and drop functionality stopped working. Any suggestions?

Also having issues on 4.17.1

I’m also having this issue in 4.7.1

I have same problem on 4.17.1. My project is using C++. NativeOnMouseButton~/NativeOnDrag~ not working.

Minimum Setup:

Result: Screen capture - 056eb5253b7da931c64ac8ae844e10f5 - Gyazo

Tested on 4.17.0 source, you guys sure you did not mess up somewhere? Can anybody try it with that minimalistic setup?

EDIT: see Comment Bellow 100% Reproducable, confirmed Bug

We’re on 4.17.1 - didn’t change my Drag & Drop setup at all. Just upgraded from 4.16.2, was working fine there.

Also, you don’t use a button. It seems like using a button for drag & drop causes the issue.

Thats correct I used a Border. Tested it with the same setup Wes used in this Tutorial:

It looks like the “Click Method: Precise Click” does not do what the Tooltip describes.

At Epic: Steps to reproduce my Images above but instead of Border using a new Widget with Button as root of the Widget and the overridable On Mouse Button Down instead the Border Binding I used.

Looks like button always has higher Priority over the overridable Event of the Widget.

Reproducable 100% no workaround possible unless using a different Button than left Mouse.

Thanks so much for digging into this! Does anyone know how to best get Epic’s attention on this? This is a really big blocker for my project.

Hello guys, a week ago I posted a info on bug report about this problem, and here is the effect - Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-49100)

So We must wait, till next update of the engine

Same problem with my inventory system :confused:

Same problem 4 years later…It’s the simple things like this that have been neglected that gets under peoples skin. Hire more developers please.