How can I manage a character's touch location when they are falling?


I’m trying to move my character to touch location, and i’ve managed to do so with the Top Down Template’s Blueprint, but i can’t seen to be able to control the character while he is falling.

How can i manage to move my character to touch location even if he is falling without a floor to be the Hit Location?

You should be able to access it in the defaults but what you are looking for is AirControl.
In the code it is under the Character Movement Component.

/** Amount of lateral movement control available to the pawn when falling. 0 = no control, 1 = full control at max speed of MaxWalkSpeed. */
	UPROPERTY(Category="Character Movement", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	float AirControl;

If you did this with Blueprint only and there is no code, you will find the same variable (Air Control) under the “Defaults” pannel of the Character BP.

By setting the Air Control to 1, i can control my character through Movement Keys normally, but i still can’t use the “Simple Move to Location” Function.

This is what i’m using right now.

I managed to do it on my own with some more research. If you had the same doubt as me, see the image,

My goal was to: control a character by sending him to the screen touch location.

The problem was: I couldn’t get the hit location in the world to move the character while he was falling.

The solution was: Converting Screen Location to World Direction.

See the image for the final blueprint.