4.3 migrating BlackBoard


I am trying to update my project to the 4.3 preview version, but I keep getting compile errors.

The following baseclasses cannot be found:

‘UBTTask_BlackboardBase’ : base class undefined

‘AAIController’ : base class undefined

And I already added the AIModule to myproject.build.cs file.

Also, since I can’t test it, can somebody tell me, is the online system working inside the editor with the preview version?
(thinking of starting ShooterGame online game, like free for all from editor. I read, that it would be included with 4.3)

Can somebody help? Thanks in advance.

‘UBTTask_BlackboardBase’ : base class undefined; ‘AAIController’ : base class undefined

Sounds like you need to include proper headers (like 'include “AIController.h”)

Also, since I can’t test it, can somebody tell me, is the online system working inside the editor with the preview version? (thinking of starting ShooterGame online game, like free for all from editor. I read, that it would be included with 4.3)

You shouldn’t ask two totally unrelated questions in one post. Post it as a separate question.
