"Bone size too small cannot create physics asset" Error

I’ve been trying to import this VERY simple model into UE4 from Blender but I keep getting the error. “Bone size too small cannot create physics asset”
I’ve tried fixing the problem in both UE4 by manually creating a physics asset by reducing the minimum bone size to .1 but that makes things very wonky by reducing the model size inside of the preview windows. I’ve started from scratch multiple times and keep running into this same problem. How can I make something that has the “right size” bones. Why are mine too small? Do I even need physics asset?

Blender file:


Export Settings:


The Error:


Import Settings:


Thanks in advance.

Hi Hydrolexo,

The minimum bone size error may be caused by the scale of your model. If it’s too small, the auto-physics asset generation may complain. This is easily fixable by either scaling up your model, or re-calculating your phat asset with a smaller setting for minimum bone size.

Also, when exporting your FBX from Blender make sure that you’re using centimeters for your export scale.

Thank you!


How do you re-calculate a phat asset?

An answer can be found here How do I manually create a physics asset on a mesh with a small bone size? - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums

Working now with these settings How do you re-calculate a phat asset? - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

Here is the most up to date and best setup / tutorial I have seen so far

Hello everyone

Just change the min bone size from 20 to 0.02 worked for me


OMG!!! You saved my life and mental heals! Thank you!
Why didn’t anyone write it? It’s so simple and logical!