Destruction effects inherit parent rotations?

I’ve made some destruction effects for a wall and its intent is to hug the wall space closely using an initial loc. I’m using the wall in different positions and when I rotate it the effect doesn’t inherit the rotation if the destruction object even if I have the effect using local space. Am I missing a check box somewhere? Thanks in advance.

Might be one of two things. First make sure you are spawning your effect with the correct rotation. One quick way to test this is to add a new sub emitter, set it to local space and then set the velocity to 500 in the X and 0 in both Y and Z this should give you a line of particles down the X axis. Break your wall and make sure that the results are consistent every time. If that is working it might be Acceleration.

If you are using the “Acceleration module” this could be the issue. Acceleration module is in world space by default I believe. There should be a flag on that module to set it to use local space.

Hope this helps.