Particle spawned from code, is not killed when colliding with geometry

I have setup simple particle system. Mesh Emitter with collision. Collision Completion Option is set to kill.

And this is code I use to spawn particle:

	if (TrailFX)
		UParticleSystemComponent* TrailPSC = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetOwner(), TrailFX, Origin);
		if (TrailPSC)
			const FVector AdjustedDir = (Location - Origin).SafeNormal();
			FVector ParticleSpeed = AdjustedDir * TrailSpeed2;
			TrailPSC->SetVectorParameter(TrailSpeedParam2, ParticleSpeed);
			FScriptDelegate del;
			del.BindUFunction(TrailPSC, "Deactivate");

Can you verify that your collision is happening within the Max collision distance set in the module? The setting is in the performance sub section of the module, the default setting is 1000 units, which may be shallow depending on your scene. We have an issue logged in our database to investigate CPU collisions failing. Any further info would be helpful.

I have setup it to be 10000.

It’s worth noting that this problem only exist when spawning particle from code at runtime.
Pre placed particle systems with collision work without any issues.