Swarm Agents don't think they should ping the coordinator

I configured my PC and my laptop to run the Swarm Agent. Everything is properly set up, the Coordinator can see both, the Agents can ping Coordinator just fine, but when I start a job, the performances is waaay below par, up to the point that even my local machine uses half its cores. I’ve tried tweaking pretty much all the settings in the Agent, particularly the AvoidLocalExecution flag. Here’s a screenshot of what the Status window looks like:

As you can see, my desktop is doing all the work half-heartedly (quite literally), while my laptop, with 7 cores available, keeps waiting to do anything. The log on my desktop says (I have it on SuperVerbose)

12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Remote connection alive (1B5773E8)
12:10:19 AM: [Maintain Jobs] Job "UnrealLightmass_2014-07-11_17-29-10_1124648-64bit.exe" has been running for 48.6697838 seconds
12:10:19 AM: [PingCoordinator] Determined that we shouldn't ping the coordinator right now
12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Maintaining Connection (1B5773DF)
12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Local connection alive (1B5773DF)
12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Maintaining Connection (1B5773DD)
12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Local connection alive (1B5773DD)
12:10:19 AM: [MaintainConnections] Maintaining Connection (1B5773E8)
12:10:19 AM: [IsAlive] ARTISTICAL-LAP::IsAlive returns True

And after cancelling the job (because it will take ages), I get this ad infinitum in the server PC:

12:20:26 AM: [PingCoordinator] Determined that we shouldn't ping the coordinator right now

I have to close the Swarm Agent to get rid of the message. I really could use some help.

Okay the real answer.

Put the three autoreporter files in the folder ----- Unreal Engine\4.X\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\

Put UnrealLightmass file in the folder Unreal Engine\4.X\Engine\Binaries\Win64

The link below is to dropbox for the files.


Please vote this answer up if it works for you.

Sorry, no vote. It already has that fix applied.

If your laptop is 32bit?

No it isn’t. Runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

You had UDK on the computer before?

Only UE3. Never bothered configurating Swarm for UE3, so the UE4 Swarm is fresh.

I had to uninstall Framework on one computer and reinstall. There seem to be an issue with the system registry not switching over to the new swarm. And for another computer on the server we had to do a fresh install. Sometimes its just faster to not troubleshoot and just delete and reinstall.

You mean uninstalling UE3’s UDK? The problem is I’m still using it for a couple other projects. Does that mean I can’t have UDK and UE4 Swarm together?