combine sequencer animation clips with animation blueprints

Hi UE friends,

I’m using the sequencer to create shots and animation. Setting animation clips works fine, however for one specific skeletal asset I’m trying to implement a look-at system that blends with existing animation clip. The look-at itself works fine but only in the animation blueprint. And all the other animation in the project is using animation clips in the sequencer.

Problem description:
Can’t combine animation clips on the sequencer with animation blueprints.I’m looking for a artist friendly way to assign animation and ‘scrub’ through the clip in the editor.

What I have tried so far:

setting the animation clip on sequencer event key. ( using animation clip as direct input). This will crash the engine (4.16)

setting the animation clip on sequencer event key using the name of the animation in string, and then setting the animation clip in the character blueprint. (not ideal, also 4.16 will sometimes ignore event keys or reset states)

setting notify events in the animation clip itself, didn’t really work because I couldn’t find a way to determine if the animation clip was playing in the sequencer or animation blueprint.

Bugs/issues (4.16):
Sequencer is randomly resetting
states (such as exposed checkboxes)
/ ignoring event keys.

Setting animation clip using event key / property is causing the engine
to crash

What is the best do to combine animation blueprint logic with the sequencer? I would love to use animation clips and ‘add’ the look-at logic on top of that layer.