Are there any ways to make GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->Build() more efficient?

Hello everyone.

I’ll explain what I’m doing first :
I have an endless set of “rooms”, each one needs to be beaten before moving on to the next one. Each room is spawned only when needed, and will spawn a random amount of guards that use a Nav Mesh to move around.
Since (as far as I know) it’s not possible to dynamically spawn Nav Meshes, I have a set of five of them (the maximum required so that no tile will ever be without one) and I move them around so that newly spawned rooms will still have one. Again, as far a I know, in order for the navmesh to update I call “GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->Build()” every time I move one.
The problem is, this causes a quite visible frame drop for half a second or so.
Ideally I’d really need to rebuild only the navmesh of the “current” room instead of everything every time, but I can’t seem to see a way of doing so. I have tried using the “Generate only around nav invoker” and having the player itself as the invoker, but it doesn’t seem to havee any effect.

Are there any parameters I could maybe tweak to make the “build” operation less expensive? I don’t really need a very “thorough” Nav Mesh, the rooms are quite simple anyway.

Thank you for your time.