Updating text box

I have a textbox in the main menu that I want to live update from a website of mine, im new to unreal, so how would i go about implementing my current source code to my current menu?

Hi there!
You need to spit your problem by parts:

  • Being able to get the text of your website to unreal, you can do this through a Http/Https request, i would recommend you to checkout how the plugin VaRest does it.
  • Once you’ve been able to store that text on a variable then you can use:
    UTextRenderComponent to acomplish your task, in this example down there you can see the usage of this component:

.h File

/** This will be the variable you will have to assign */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Debug)
FText Example;

/** Component being rendered in game */
UPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Components)
UTextRenderComponent* MyTextComponent;

.cpp File

// Value assignment for a FText
Example = FText::FromString("SampleText");

/** We assign the text of the component on the C++ "construct script" */
void AGITTeleporterEntry::OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform) {
	MyTextComponent->SetText(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("This text: ", "{0} is the best text ever!"), Example));

To know more about FText you can read here:

To know more about https/http and Rest communications you can check out:

To know more about UTextRenderComponent you can read here: