Bug: Navigation Updating Automatically

Hello UE4 Community, I wanna report a bug that is happening with 4.17.

Navigation is being updated automatically EVEN WITH THE OPTION TURNED OFF, and that is very relevant for projects with big levels and lots of NavMesh, this causes a 1-2 second lag everytime you move something within the level, you may think that is not a lot but when you are working with big levels and moving static meshes all the time you will see by how much that delays your work. This bug used to happen back in 4.15 but was seemingly fixed in 4.16 only to reappear in 4.17.

For anyone else having this issue, a quick workaround is to disable the navigation volumes until its time to rebuild everything.

TLDR: The option “Update Navigation Automatically” in Miscellaneous is TURNED OFF and yet the navigation is rebuilding automatically everytime something is moved within the level.

Try to check out your RecastNavMesh on your level. ‘Force rebuild on load’ in ‘Details’ should be turned off.