Is Sub UV Texture better than Texture Sample?

Is Sub-UV Texture lighter than Texture Sample?

Sub UV Texture can not deform UV.
Texture samples are UV-deformable.

Even if you use texturesample, you can work with the module of particlesystem.
Why use SubUV Texture?

subUV is not lighter, they behave differently.

You can actually use the sub-uv texture node to play flipbook animations on meshes, you cant (properly in cascade at least) do that without. additionally the sub-uv node allows for frame blending between each “page” of the flipbook.

this has been decently wel documented in the ue4 material compendium.

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Thansks Luos!

I am curious because the SubUV module works even when using Texture Sample …

If you do not use flipbook linear blending, Is it better to use the Texture Sample?

In that case I think the overhead of both is neglect-able, both have a few options that differ from eachother, but imho if you dont need the subUV one, use the regular texture sample one.