UE4 casting to a destructible mesh

Hi there.
I’d have thought this was a fairly straight forward thing to do but I’ve been having trouble. I have collectible coins where the coins are attracted to the player when they overlap a sphere collision attached to the coin. everything with the coins works fine. However, my aim is to have a coin spawn once i destroy a destructible mesh, i have the destructible mesh working when I hit it and stuff and the coin spawns fine, but what I’m trying to accomplish is when the coins spawn a new (from the destructible mesh) they delay a little before they are magnetized to my player. So what I have is this -

You can see I am casting after my player overlaps the sphere of the coin, then I think the problem occurs when I cast to the destructible mesh. The destructible cast is failing according to my debugging. So I am thinking it is probably to do with the object I have attached to the cast. Is it something other than Get Owner? or is the problem that I’m casting to 2 things? maybe it’s the order in which I have the cast?

Any help would go a long way. Thanks in advance, even if the answer is super obvious. :slight_smile: