Rolling ball template camera movemnt

I want to be able to use the same camera movement as the third person template. I tried to copy everything from the 3rd prsn tmplt but couldn’t get it working. Any ideas?

Please be more specific about what your wanting to achieve? The rolling ball templates use absolute rotation. I’m the spring arm to keep the camera from rolling with the ball?

I meant to be able to use the mouse or joy stick to rotate the camera around the ball like in the 3rd person template.

I copied the ball blueprint into the 3rd person template and got it working with camera Screen capture - f7634abd22aba613c27c48697d7cb24d - Gyazo a few problems with movement but I’m gonna try and fix that now.

Any idea how I would get the foward vector of the camera to have it move foward whatever way the camera is facing?

The camera is an actor like any other. You can use GetActorForwardVector to retrieve the forward vector.

The camera is an actor like any other and you can call GetActorForwardVector to get it. Side note: you may need to flatten the vector by zeroing out z and normalizing. Otherwise the pitch in your camera will give a forward vector facing the right direction in x and y but down towards the ground in z.

Thanks for the reply but im having trouble figuring out how I would add it to the blueprint. Sorry for being an idiot. I tried adding them together or something. I don’t really understand blueprints properly yet. Where should I add it in or something.