Unexpectedly growing VRAM usage - Texture Streaming Pool Over

What are your texture resolutions

Hello! I have a problem. I made myself an invite menu, and suddenly I get an error saying Texture Streaming Pool Over with a number getting bigger in size and my texture getting blurred. In the editor, everything looks normal though.

You can see the normal texture at 0:00, the blurred one at 0:23 the error showing up at 0:55.

I feel like its something with the fire particle… since the pool keeps increasing over time. Not sure what is going on tho…you could try using consolecoands listtextures or streamingtextures (forfot which one). With this you can see all the textures sorted by memory it reserves

The buttons are 256x64, and the dirt and that wood are from Starter Pack.

Oh and Steam 64x64 or 92x92 if I remember correctly.

I can see a lot of 64x64 textures and some 2048x2048 ?? It is strange, in a level with basically a fire and a tile. I’ve this fire before and I didn’t have any problems.
EDIT: It is located in Engine/Transient.Texture2D_7xxx with xxx being numbers that grow

Do the particles in your fire have an infinite lifetime? Normally the engine just needs 1 reference to the loaded texture so this is very weird. The problem might be somewhere else. Try to see where you use this texture: materials, particles, postprocessing,… you might be spawning it somewhere without even knowing

Before this, I want to tell you that this doesn’t happen if I play in the editor itself. It only happens if I play as a standalone game.

Ok, I am closer to the solution. My Invite level (the problematic one) is using the exact world as Main Menu (I copy-pasted it), I actually removed some trees. And MainMenu is working fine. So I think the problem is actually in the hud. Maybe some buttons replicating or that list of friends.