How to add UI to VR spectator screen

I’m working on a vr project where a spectator induces certain post processing effects to the one wearing a hmd. As a result I wanted to keep the UI separate and only in view of the spectator. The spectator screen update was a godsend in version 4.17. Now I’m only able to use the render target of a 3d widget and give it as an input to the “set spectator screen texture”. The UI is visible this way but limits the interaction only to the keyboard. I’m very new to unreal and would appreciate if anyone can point me to the intended way of placing the ui on the spectator screen or any solutions that would better the interactivity of my UI, like being able to use the mouse for input.
Thank you!

You might use widget interraction? and set he mouse location

can you explain more detailed?
I add to interaction mouse MotionControllerPawn (377 kb) закачан 22 сентября 2017 г. Joxi
but nothing happen when I press it on render target to my 3D widget