Car Rig Issues - Side wheels dont have collision

I have been having problems running my newly rigged car from blender inside UE4, when i press “Play” the car lands properly, wheels operate properly, everything is good except for the side wheels of my car (They sink halfway into the terrain as if they have no collision response at all) while the other half is working fine. (PS. in the physics simulation both sides of the wheels work perfectly fine, the problem only occurs when i try to run my car on any sort of rigid body when i hit play.

been trying to solve this problem for over 4 days now, help would be really appreciated!


Make sure the tire size in your tire data structure is the correct size. That is the real data for tire size I wheeled vehicles. We had the opposite issue. When we player our test vehicle the tires were above the ground. We found that the our tire data size was bigger than the physics collision mesh.

I think ill need to know more on this, can you email me at -


I am stuck in the same problem 4 years later.