Using VR teleportation function for widget interaction

Hello everyone,

This may sound like a really weird question but here we go.

I have made a VR project for HTC Vive using the template, in this project I have some 3d Widgets that allow the player to teleport to a different floor.
Right now they are operated by touching the button with your controller and it all works.

However people i’ve shown this to want to be able to use the Teleportation arc to interact with the buttons.
they associate the arc with going to a different location so it makes sense to them that it should also work with the teleportation widget I made.

Which means the button should only react when the Thumb button is pressed and it should use the location of the end of the Arc for widget interaction instead of the straight line it usually uses.

Basically this image shows how it should work.
you hover your teleporting arc over one of the widget buttons and it should activate the button.

Ive tried a couple things already including I tried to cast a boolean (is teleporter active) from the BP_Motioncontroller to the teleporter widget to enable the widget button when the teleporter button is active.

Ive tried putting a condition on my widget interaction that disables it completely unless the teleporter beam is active.

I’ve looked into making the arc straight instead of… well… an arc so it matches the straight line that widget interaction has by default.

but none of it worked.
I’m not a star at Blueprint scripting and this is a bit too complicated for me to solve.
So, is what I’m trying to do possible at all? and if it is, could you please put me on the right track?

Hello, I wanted to know if you got a solution for this question.

Yes, what I did now was to attach a Widget Interaction to the sphere on the end of the arc that is used for targeting. (so there are two a widget interactions, one on the hand itself and one on that sphere.)

its important to make the Widget interaction always aim towards the player with a simple blueprint (the ball at the end of the arc does not rotate with the player so if you don’t do that the widget interaction will always aim North) and there must be something for the ball to collide on behind the 3D widget or else it wont work.

The way it works then is the ball collides with the surface behind the widget and the widget interaction then interacts with the button that is between the player and the ball.

Good luck.

Hi man, can you please make video for teleportation function with widget interactions.

Can you please make a video about that? I know this is old, but it would be absolutely amazing if you did to help others, thank you so much