Proper way to spawn a Component at Runtime?

A component (“MyOuterComponent”) spawns multiple other components (“MySubComponent”). MySubComponent has its own UStaticMeshComponent (among other things - there’s a reason for all this madness!)

However, for whatever reason, MySubComponent spawns multiple StaticMeshComponents, which it shouldn’t:


MyOuterComponent has code that looks like this:

void UMyComponent::GeneratePiece(...)
	UMySubComponent* NewSubComponent = NewObject<UMySubComponent>(this->GetOwner(), UMySubComponent::StaticClass(), FName(...));



Meanwhile MySubComponent looks like this:

	PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = false;

	PieceMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Piece"));


Solution: All the UStaticMeshComponents attached to the spawned MySubComponent had the same name. Given each mesh a unique name fixed the problem.

Solution: All the UStaticMeshComponents attached to the spawned MySubComponent had the same name. Giving each mesh a unique name fixed the problem - only one piece was spawned per sub-component, and each sub-component had a piece (previously, some sub-components didn’t get one.)