How do I switch music using blueprints?

I have a sound cue/ambient sound dropped into my game that works, how would I go about killing the current music and switching to a different song on an Overlap Event or just a custom event?

I would save the reference of the sound cue/ambient sound depending where you put the Overlap Event.

If the Overlap Event is in the level, click on your cue/sound, go to your LevelBlueprint, right click in the graph and select “Create Reference to whateverYouUsed”. If the Overlap Event is in your actor X, make a cue in your actor X and stop it with that reference.

Report back if you have trouble finding the right buttons! < 3

Thanks! I got a lil confused but this is what I came up with:

For the Level Blueprint, exactly like that! Every Cue you are using is saved in an “Audio Component”. This Audio Component has all the code to control if the Cue is being Played/ Stopped/ Fading etc.
If you have more questions or if something is not working, go ahead.

Awesome :smiley:

Hi guys! How about switching it on my character? I can get the reference for the music in my level but can’t seem to find how to get it in my character BP. I have an ambient sound playing my level’s music in a loop and I want to change it for a game over music when it dies. I already have a kill character function that unpossess and switch my HUD for the game over HUD but I can’t find how to change the music at the same time.

I have overcome. Thanks everyone.
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