Why cant it read from reference object variable?

Why cant it read from the reference object variable of inventory that is inside my thirdpersoncharacter it reads it as null… and i cant get it to use that object due that it reads it as null how to set it? isnt there like a default constructor or smth?.. please help guys i really need to know how to fix it.

From what I see here I think it’s because you didn’t have an ‘Inventory’ for it to reference.
The way you set it looks like an object, not a data structure, so it won’t automatically set to a default value at the start, like an integer or vector; and I didn’t saw it in your Character hierarchy.
If you want to fix it, either delete the one in your variable then drag one from your content browser to your character; Or spawn one in the character’s construct script then sign that to the variable.

Thanks alot, it helped me alot but can i ask smth? cant i have a class blueprint that only carries data and then use it as a variable to store data in it without having to set it to an actor? some people saying use structs but is there way to use classes?

learn how to properly communicate than you never run into problems like this. This Video might help you: Blueprint Communications | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

As for Classes they are Objects and you can have hundrets of them you have to refference a specific Instance, by default any Object variable is Empty until you set it. Structs and other premitive types are Value Types, you can look at them as raw data and it can´t be Empty. Note: Objects types inside structs will still be empty but the struct itself never =)

Thanks, i will watch the video and take structs in mind then see what i can do thanks alot for your help you cleared it out to me.