Referencing Level Sequencer Actor from character causes crash when closing and reopening project

Trying to wrap my head around Sequencer, but I’m getting a crash and I’m not sure if it’s a bug, or if I’m just setting the binding on the Level Sequencer Actor incorrectly.

The sequencer animation shot is fairly simple, just grabbing the player’s camera component and moving/rotating it slightly when the player activates an ability, and all the nodes I have are doing is grabbing a reference to the Level Sequencer Actor, setting its binding to update its reference to the player (My problem node), then setting the sequencer shot to play from the first frame again.

As it’s setup, it works just fine when testing while the editor remains open, but the second I close and reopen the project, any attempt to access or reopen the Character BP by the engine causes a crash.

Best as I can figure, the crash is being caused by something to do with the Set Binding and/or the Get Sequence Binding nodes being in the Character BP, without them there’s no crash at all, but as soon as I add them it crashes again.

Am I maybe just setting the binding wrong? Is there another way to update the binding reference to the current player character blueprint?