Steam initialization fails in SteamVR standalone

As explained in the 2 following threads, Steam fails to initialize when a SteamVR standalone game is launched. This prevents any Steam features (in my case Achievements and Leaderboards) to be used in a SteamVR game.

The threads already talking about that, with a workaround only useful during development:

The reproduction is simple:

  1. Create a SteamVR game

  2. Setup Steam

  3. Build the game for Win64

  4. Run the standalone game on SteamVR

  5. Look at the log:

    LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable.

bump, exactly same problem here.
Epic any news?

bump, is anyone investigating it?

Any news?

Hello ,

We are using a new bug submission form. Please navigate to the link below for more information.

Link: Unreal Engine Bug Submission Form - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make it a great day

Thanks Rudy! How come I didn’t know that?! I spend a looot of time on Why isn’t there a HUGE button “REPORT ISSUE” linking to this submission form in there?