How do I change the UV mapping tile size in Blender?


could someone please tell me, how to affect the UV tile size in Blender? I know, i can in UE material editor use Texture coord to affect the tile size, however then i would have to resize all current textures.

The problem is, if i make big box in Blender as the surface, then i apply for example UV Cube projection, the tiles for texture (imagine checkerboard) are too big, and there are for example only 4 tiles…

I need many small tiles…

I tried to apply different UV mapping, but its either big tiles, or small tiles, but the texture mapping is corrupted (it looks ugly with texture).

I also tried apply Subdivision to mesh model in Blender (to have more “faces”?), but i think this will increase the complexity of model too much, and its not the proper way?

Thank you

I solved it. In Blender, there is UV scaling in UV editor.
