'FromToRotation' from Unity equivalent?

Is there a way to calculate a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection? Basically an equivalent of this function from Unity:

I know that Blueprints don’t have Quaternions, so this one is tricky for me…

I want to knew too

You can use a timeline for this from 0 to 1 values for say 5 seconds and then set actor rotation with the help of lerp rotator and plugging from value to A value of lerp and to value to Be value of lerp and the value from timeline to the Alpha value

FindlookatRotation may be the node you are looking for

Find look at rotation.

This one: Find Look at Rotation | Unreal Engine Documentation

I dont think that it is it cause there is already a unity node with a similar name “Quaternion.LookRotation”

have you tried FQuat::FindBetweenVectors?

Here’s a Blueprint only approach:

Using timelines seemed like too much of a workaround to me. This worked for my use case, but there might be edge cases that I’m not aware of.

To describe in text: first you use RotationFromXVector to turn the vectors into Rotators. Then you get the relative rotation by inverting the ‘from’ Rotator and combining it with the To Rotator, before returning the result.

Looks like the image didn’t survive the transition to the forums, here it is again (editing that previous post wasn’t working)