Blueprint Linetrace Open Door Help!

Hello, I want to open a door when clicking a button with linetracing by channel!
I set up the linetrace, and the button interaction but I dont know how to open the door blueprint on clicking this button. I posted a few images to show you what i have done so far. Hope someone of you can help me!
I made a custom event called “button pressed” but it is not working (I know there is no custom event on the linetrace BP) but i tried it!

![![alt text]

Problems with opening a door. That’s still kinda basics. Watch this tutorial and you will never have this problem again. <3

Well, assuming you really did it “right” the first time:

  1. From Hit Result
  2. Grab Hit Actor
  3. Cast to BP_Door
  4. From BP_Door
  5. Get and Execute your Custom Event

Thanks for the comment. But this is not working, i tried that before. If i do “cast to BP_Door” the player can open the door by click it. But I want to open the door by shooting the button first.

Like you see on the image, I have to do “cast to interact me” (With that I can click the button) and then, I want to activate the custom event, but like you see this is not working because I need a target. Any Ideas how I can get that target?

Thank you :slight_smile: This will take a while to watch.

I suggest you either:
Create a variable on your InteractMe that references the door you want to open, or create a BP class that should control doors and switches…besides the second one seems to be way more complicated, it may give you an easy profile about what doors were open and if any switch requires something to activate it.

This problem is solved now. Thank you anyways

Was it solved by watching the video or did something else made trouble? Would be great to see a resolved answer on this one.