Return Value on LineTrace disrupts my script.

The plan: Everytime i hit a specific object, this time being phys ones, i want my HUD text (E2Interact) to appear, this much is working. However, i want it so everytime i look away from said object, the text disappears; this also WORKED but only when i removed the “return value” of the “LineTraceByChannel” from the Branch, something that i’m aware shouldn’t be done, I was later bombarded by a ton of errors when attempting to remove of course. The issue is, when i have it connected, my text DOES appear, yet doesnt disappear until i hit a non physics object. When i break my link to the branch, it works perfectly; besides the errors that come after of course. Something somewhere breaks the tick, i tried using bolleans attached to customevents, as well as custom ticks casted after the trace is complete, neither make a difference. Please let me know if you do not follow along this, my mind was baffled enough trying to find a solution so it wouldnt surprise me if i skip a part. Thanks in advance.

I have hard time understanding you problem, what error do you getting?

“Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_BreakHitResult_HitComponent3 from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_FirstPersonCharacter’ from node: Branch in graph: EventGraph in object: FirstPersonCharacter with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_BreakHitResult_HitComponent3” When i disconnect return value on LineTraceByChannel.

Its fixed for now, not very satisfied if not annoyed by the simplicity, but something in it seems off

This is working as expected. As you say, it won’t hide until your trace hits a non physics object. Instead why dont you wire the first branch from the return, if false, hide as well. This way the second your trace is not hitting anything, or hitting something but it’s not simulating, it will hide.

aah, thats true. Not the way i’d like to fix it, its more of an avoid tbh, but still works nonetheless, for now.

Always the simple things people look over eh