Android app failed with error: library not found

Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Unreal Engine: 4.17.1

Simple blueprint project (cube, atmosperic fog, directional light, camera, player start) failed to start on device (closed after splash screen). According to logcat, it’s due to the error:

E/dalvikvm(32435): dlopen(“/data/app-lib/com.ksquest.AndroidTestDemo6-1/”) failed: Cannot load library: soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1636): could not load library “” needed by “”; caused by load_library(linker.cpp:746): library “” not found

Really, it is rather old device, without GL ES3. There is no preinstalled.

The same .apk works fine on a newer device (Highscreen Boost 3 phone).

So, how can I resolve the problem? I do not need VR components at the project.

I also encountered the same problem

Almost the EXACT same problem, except mine didn’t involve, just

What is libOVRPlugin, anyway? I am not using VR either and I disabled all VR-related plugins in my project.

Below are OSVR Plugin and SteamVR plugin must be disabled.

Thank you. I hope this helps the original poster. However, I have already disabled all those plugins and there is no difference even with an entirely by-the-book, complete rebuild after restarting my machine and Unreal, and wiping out the original build.

Make sure you have unchecked the VR packaging options on the android settings! :slight_smile: This worked for me :smiley:

I think I tried that but it was months ago and I gave up to work on another project. I’ll try again and make sure about that part (though I thought I unticked everything with the word “VR” in it). Thanks.

Hey somehow even though I unticked one of the VR plugins SEVERAL TIMES, I found it ticked this time when I loaded the project. I unticked it and now it has progressed to showing “Your Splash Screen Here” (but staying there forever). I’ve never gotten this far with Android on UE4 before. Thanks!