MultiSphere Trace help

My M.S Trace is giving me trouble, basically if i set my actor to overlap it detects all of the actors in it but doesn’t fire my logic. On the other hand if it’s set to block it only detects one and then fires my logic. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?

Can we see your blueprint OnComponentBeginOverlap setup or OnActorBeginOverlap setup. Whichever you are using to process the overlap?

Actually i am using the line trace from my character and firing the logic there i assumed the overlap would work with traces like block and still fire the logic from another BP is that incorrect?

No. The line traces functions just return information on objects between your start and end. You will need to check the result and if valid call your logic.

Generally when a user is looking for overlaps, they will add one of the overlap events to their actor and call the custom logic handlers from there. Internally UE does this through the code. As am actor moves.they cast out overlaps or traces and calls OnComponenetBeginOverlap to allow users to determine how to handle the contact information.