How to create a copy of real world's location (landscape, buildings) and use it as a game map?


I have never used Unreal Engine 4 and I’m not even sure if that’s the right program for me, but I wanted to get some directions for my goal.

My goal is to create a playable map for a FPS game that is identical to a real world’s location - my childhood environment with apartment buildings, landscapes, forest etc. And have fun with my friends who I grew up with at that place. As a minimum I would like it to be a shooter similar to Call of Duty, but it would be even cooler if we could use vehicles (like in Far Cry) too. I’d also like to design the inside of me and my friends’ apartments and make them enterable.

What do I need for this? Can I do it all with Unreal Engine or should I use another program like Hammer? Which is easier for the beginner, but at the same time offers the possibility to match the details very precisely. And would give an impression that you are really living in your old home, but it’s virtual. I’m ready to learn everything I need just to reach that goal.

Also… should I pick a game and just create a level/map for it, since it’s probably easier than to create a new game? If so, how does this work exactly? Do I need to import the data of the game from somewhere?

There are a bunch of things I don’t know and I only have experience with Call of Duty 4 map editor (Radiant) where I just created non-enterable buildings and some other simple stuff, but now I want to go all in and create something awesome.

What would you recommend? Thank you very much!!