How would I allow players to get in/out of vehicles?

I am attempting to allow players to interact with vehicles in a sense that they can get into a vehicle, drive it around for a bit and then get out. How would I do that?

This should be pretty simple. On whatever event/input you want use a reference of the player controller to call a “Possess” node and pass your car/player into the “In Pawn” input.

Possessing is the term used for a player controller changing it’s targeted pawn.

And what if my car and character are both not pawns? Or is the Possess node the only way to control the vehicle?

Character and WheeledVehicle are both subclasses of pawn so they work with possess.

If you are not using a subclass of pawn for your vehicle or characters then you will need a complete custom setup controlling them (i recommend against this approach)

Is there anybody who can help me with this?

This thread can get you started;

[Part 32]-Interaction with flying vehicle - How to make an advanced FPS game - Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube here is a tutorial for a plane, but the concept applies to cars and any other controllable thing