Collision detection on imported pawn not generating hit events

Apologies for the lengthy description - it’s the only way I can think of to get all the pertinent information over to you so you can understand the situation…

I have three objects. I have MyCharacter, a capsule zooming across a flat grass landscape.

I also have a cube I set up whilst following a tutorial on how to make the cube an enemy and how to get it to detect my custom-made ‘bullets’, and it prints up on screen ‘Enemy Hit’ whenever I shoot that cube. The cube is in a blueprint and that blueprint is on the field.

Next to the cube I have imported 3 meshes from 3DS and pieced them together as a turret which has blueprints set up so it can track and shoot at me (no collision there, but that’s not what I’m posting about in this case).

I have set the same options on both the cube and all components of the turret blueprint to match the cube blueprint, and yet I cannot get it to hit the turret. So much so that bullets even pass through the turrets instead of blocking them like the settings are set to (as I said I copied the settings exactly from the cube.

Is there a fundamental flaw with my imported meshes? Should I have done something better in 3DS or exported them differently? Is there a problem with the Unreal Engine as regards to this…or, most likely, am I being dumber than mud and missing a key factor?

Please can anyone offer suggestions, or ask anything you need to ask.

Thank you
(new, but learning very fast - I love this engine)

This could be becuase your Turret blueprint does not have nay collsion volumes. You could simply add a Sphere/Box/Capsule component into your turret blueprint OR add collsion volumes for the static meshes involved in the Turret blueprint.

One way to check this is to place your turret on the ground and see if your player charcter is blocked by it. IF your player can go through it, it means you dont have a proper collsion volume setup for the Turret blueprint

Enable Collision for the mesh >> Enable “Generate HIT Event” Property of the mesh… hope this might solve ur problem.