Foliage triggers many begin/end overlap events

This is already logged as

But was never fixed, so I’m reopening.

Foliage overlaps trigger a ton of begin/end overlap events. Even when you aren’t actually leaving the volume.

Any time you move within the volume it sends another big batch of begin/end events.


I’m just walking into the box and it sets off 10 begin overlap begin and end events.

It shoudn’t even be hitting an end overlap because I’m on entering the box.

The foliage collision is set to OverlapOnlyPawn.

I also tried OnActorBeginOverlap/OnActorEndOverlap and it gave the same behavior.

Here is another screenshot where I am printing out the Overlapped Component, Other Actor, Other Comp, and self in that order.

As you can see, it is always the same ones for each.

I tested with the same setup but placing the bush as a static mesh instead of foliage and it functions correctly.

i.e. one begin overlap event when entering the collision volume and one end overlap event when exiting the volume.

correct me if I’m wrong, but from the blueprints above it seems that it only prints that when it is colliding with other foliage actors. If you want just an overlap with your character, just take the event outputs and filter out whatever is not a character (or whatever it is you want to get overlap events from). Why it only happens when you walk into it, I cannot explain. Sorry if I don’t understand.

The blueprint I showed is the character. The bush doesn’t have a blueprint. It is just a mesh with a collision primitive that is added to the map via foliage. So yeah you misunderstood. I can’t filter anything out. This is a bug for sure, as it is already logged.

Hello Erebel55,

I have reopened this issue, you can continue to track this issue here:

You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.

I have managed to fix it by creating another sphere collision in the character blueprint, and casting to instanced foliage actor. Now it sends correct overlap events.

Thank you for letting me know Pavelioso, this is useful information :slight_smile: