How to get MD5 from a binary array

Is there any way to get MD5 from a binary array?
i have a array like this: TArray DataArray , is there any api can get it ?

Get the pointer to the memory where the array is stored (GetData()) and calculate MD5 of that memory (use number of elements * sizeof(element) for the size).

which unreal api can i use to calculate?
for example, i can use “FMD5Hash::HashFile” to calculate a file md5, is there any api to calculate MD5 of that memory ?

Thanks a lot
It’s just what I want !

You can use FMD5 itself like this (see HashFileFromArchive for a more elaborate example):

FMD5Hash Hash;
FMD5 Gen;
Gen.Update(Array.GetData(), Array.Num()*sizeof(YourElementType));