Deferred Mesh Decal - World Space Normal totally wrong

I have a Problem with setting up Deferred Mesh Decals, the Normalmap shows up as beeing rendered completly only from one Side, ignoring where the Normal has been actually placed on the Mesh.

is it X+, Y-, Z+? do you have something in the alpha channel of that material?

the trim is a tangent normal though, or at least should be.

I am only speaking of the Normal map used on the surface of this table (not the Model) in a Deferred Mesh Decal way. As you can see on the Screnshoot, its lighting is totally wrong (it shows the world normal here). X+ and such have also nothing to do with that, as it would then still light the 90° and 180° turned parts differently compared to the front, and it is not doing that.

i’m having a hard time understanding what the issue is. as far as i can tell that screenshot is entirely unlit. what other parts are supposed to have the trim on them?

Why would a Degbug view of World Space Normals be lighted??? It shows clearly whats wrong (since we are speaking here about normals)

i cannot see what the issue is.

Please look up first what World Space Normals are. I appreciate you trying to help, but it is extremely obvious in this debug picture.

It is pretty obvious, indeed, but only for those, who are familiar with the technique. Highlighting the green normal color on the screenshot would help though.
Show us unwrap of your trim decal.

This is the UV Map (the relevant Part, it covers the part of the normal map in the picture above), I was hoping i can use a Texture with many different Profiles for several Models. I tested with the Mesh being welded and with each part being there own (but combined in unreal).
