The ability to copy given text to clipboard?

In C++ you have those functions to read and write system clipboard

Note that you need to use FPlatfromMisc not FGenericPlatfromMisc, if you see FGenericPlatfrom* class in API reference remove “Generic” because those are Generic rollback implementation of functions all that get referenced to FPlatfrom*

I dont see any blueprint implementations of this, you will need to make your own nodes if you want to which is not that hard actully.


I’ve always wondered whether there is a way to copy something to clipboard by using a button - since that is user-friendly.

I know we can simply press Ctrl+C… but sometimes, its better if you give the user a button to click, and that to call a function that copies XYZ text to their clipboard…

Like you can do in some web sites such as Imgur or MediaFire…

Anyone knows anything about this?

I found this post while searching for a way to copy content from the Windows clipboard.
It would also be very useful to have that function in an Editor Utility Widget.

For example, in the QA report we have coordinates, I’d like to be able to copy a line of cord, switch to UE, and click a button on the Utility Widget to move the camera to that location. That’d be nice.

Seems like no luck yet? I hope it gets implemented in the near future!

Thank you