Attached Child Actor (Turret)

So I have an issue. I’ve attempted to attach turrets to my ship which was successful, however, when my ship rotates off its starting access the turret starts to break apart. It is made up of four pieces put together in a blueprint. I tried locking the physics constraints but that doesn’t seem to help. Is there anything I might be missing that would help keep a blueprint that has multiple mesh attached to each other together? Any help would be appreciated.

Does it need to be a child actor? How is it attached? I would make it a component using AttachTo nodes.

Maybe you should show us your bp?

It doesn’t have to be a childactor. I’ve attached it in the ship bp as a childactor component. Basically I just hit the drop in the ship bp component list and added a child actor. I could use a bp script to attach it as well or I could attach it to a socket if needed. I’m not sure which would stop this from happening. Which method would you use?

Can you show us the BP of the ship with the turret attached and the turret BP?

The ship BP isn’t really relevant because there are no nodes that affect the turret at this point, the turret is just attached to a mesh.

The turret bp is essentially a derivative of the light in the advanced content examples map.

Sorry, I don’t see an obvious issue. Try simplifying things. Put the Turretbp in the world and have spin or attach it to an empty actor. Maybe, instead of using a turretbp in the child actor, use a static mesh actor in the child actor component.

In the world the turret works perfectly fine, but it’s not attached to anything, it doesn’t change location or rotations as a whole. But the tracking function works fine. And the turret is a static mesh. It’s actually four static mesh combined to make the turret360 blueprint.
