In VR Mode DrawDebugLine Has Another Black Line

I just call DrawDebugLine to draw a arrow projectile。In the PC Mode is all right, but In VR DrawDebugLine appear another
Black Line. Why?

It happens to me for every debug shape. It seems like a known issue.

thank you for your issus! now I want to find a solution to draw a line,like use material or particlesystem.

You can checkout the VR Template. The teleport arc indicator is an example of what you want.

Have you ever resolved it ?
I can’t understand that there is only one question about this serious bug in answer hub.
It seems to be a known issue which will fix in 4.18?

it only seems to happen for me when I enable instanced stereo. Very frustrating

I did’t find the the problem how to happen. I only to create particlesystem to fix the problem!

may be is instanced stereo cause the problem!!!

Actually, yes. If you uncheck instanced rendering it should work fine. 4.18 should fix it.

Anyway, debug shapes are for debugging only. I don’t think they actually show up in a packaged build.