Problem with creating a multiplayer scoreboard

I am creating a multiplayer game where one player is the server and others are clients.
I would like to create a scoreboard just like there are in several game(cs go, call of duty, and so on).
In the scoreboard I would like to only show the list of people in the game and their chosen game character.

At the moment the scoreboard is only working on server, all clients see an empty scoreboard.
I used an Instance to save every player playerInfo in the lobby before starting the game.

I call out a custom event on server which goes into Player controller and should add all the players to scoreboard, but for some reason the array I am sending to Player controller has length 0, when running though client.Meaning AddPlayersToLeaderBoard gets Players in game length 0 when creating leaderboard for client.

Please help, I have been trying to solve this for almost a week now and I am starting to go crazy.

If my explanation was not clear enough, please leave a comment I will elaborate.

Might I suggest calling a print function inside of the LeaderBoardChild? At leats then you know that it is being created.

Is it possible that it is being created, but is in the wrong place in the leaderboard widget, so that it is not visible?

Thank you for your answer. I have tried that already, the problem is that, the Leaderboard Child only gets called out when creating leaderboard for the server player(Because the getting “Players in Game” array variable is suddenly empty.

And for the visibility part. I have checked every place i know to check and nothing has worked :confused: I will double check after work and post you and answer of a list of all the places i have checked for showing visibility, maybe you can see that I have missed a spot.

Take a look at this answer:

They seem to have a very similar problem to you, so the answer might well be suitable for you too!