Dedicated server shipping build with Steam

Hi everyone!

The game I’m working on is almost finished, and I tried to build the dedicated server in shipping configuration, with Steam. The cooking process is doing fine, the problem occurs when I want to launch the server. It gives me this:

And nothing more, it just freezes like this.
I had the exact same problem with the shipping client, and I solved it by adding the steam_appid.txt in the binaries folder. However, it doesn’t solve the problem with the server :frowning:
If I cook my dedicated server in development build, it works. And my client works in both development and shipping builds.
This only interesting warnings I had in the logs, while cooking, were this:

LogInit:Display: LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
LogInit:Display: LogModuleManager:Warning: No filename provided for module OnlineSubsystemNull
LogInit:Display: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'OnlineSubsystemNull' because the file 'C:/Epic Games/UnrealEngine-4.13/Engine/Binaries/Win64/' was not found.

I tried to add the steam_appid.txt file in the specified folder, and a new warning appeared:

LogInit:Display: LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
LogInit:Display: LogFileManager:Warning: Error deleting file: C:/Epic Games/UnrealEngine-4.13/Engine/Binaries/Win64/steam_appid.txt (Error Code 5)
LogInit:Display: LogModuleManager:Warning: No filename provided for module OnlineSubsystemNull
LogInit:Display: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'OnlineSubsystemNull' because the file 'C:/Epic Games/UnrealEngine-4.13/Engine/Binaries/Win64/' was not found.

I don’t know if this is the problem, but the fact that these warnings also appear in the client build (which works fine) makes me think this isn’t the problem.
Of course, I built my project using the shipping server configuration.
Last thing: my game is a blueprint project, maybe it helps.

Anyone got an idea?

My dedicated server is still acting like this.
I really think this has nothing to do with the warnings. Maybe it’s a configuration build problem, but I tried to recompile using almost every configuration and it didn’t work.

Ok, it seems that the server actually works, but the log window just don’t. The same occurs with the shipping client: it works, but the logs don’t.
At least, I can join my server, but I don’t have the logs.
Don’t know if I’m supposed to set the post as “Resolved”…

Ok, it seems that the server actually works, but the log window just don’t. The same occurs with the shipping client: it works, but the logs don’t.
At least, I can join my server, but I don’t have the logs.

Add bUseLoggingInShipping = true; in Your ProjectServer.Target.cs. You will get the logging in shipping

Wow, I didn’t expect an answer anymore, but thanks, I’ll try that!

I’m getting an error, where should I add this in the file, please? In the constructor? I’m using the 4.13 version, do you know if I can use your trick anyway?

Oh, it was added in 4.18 if I’m correct.