How to make character move to a target on the moving plane?

as we know, the white plane is moving , its direction and speed is random.
we can calculate target position,but its position is relative to the character.

the quesition is how to make the character move to the target by use like the picture?

Bad but easy way in which you can do this :

  1. create a actor BP name “TargetGrab” with a cube (just to visualize, latter you can delete or toggle visibility of the cube)
  2. 2.In this blueprint add event “Event On Begin Play”
  3. Maka BP similar to this

  1. Now instead of using simple move to location, Use Move to actor Here is BP

  1. For all this to work i hope your plane is actor and has its OWN BP which looks like this

I hope this helps you

thank you! ,this is help me a lot