Bad Frames in Sequences when teleporting objects

Recently when tracking bad frames in sequences, I spot a problem I can’t resolve.

We have a sequence with a car traveling on a road, followed by a sequence where the car stop.

Between the 2 sequences, the position of the car, change (the 2 road are not near each other)

Our animators build 2 animations, one for the car, the other for the camera.
And put the 2 tracks into the sequencer.

When the camera and the car change position (cut) the car move 1 frame before the camera, creating a “bad” frame.

Let says the first sequence is from frame 0 to frame 99, the new position is from frame 100 to 200
The camera move at frame 100, the car at frame 99.

The strange thing is that the car is not on the other position at frame 99, the car is between both positions.

We found that removing the EAnimInterpolationType::Linear in the car animation fix the problem, but create other problems when the car and the camera move at same speed.

Is there a way to cut the linear interpolation for the car, but only in case of teleportation ?
Or at least avoid the system to change a position key.
At frame 99 the car is “asked” to be at his right position by the animation, but the interpolation change that.

I can’t find in Engine Code where this interpolation is computed, Maybe I can add some distance threshold to avoid that.

Are you animating the cars through skeletal animation tracks or transform tracks? If it’s transform tracks, it sounds like you need to set the interpolation type at frame 99 and frame 100 to Constant (right click on the key and choose


Thanks for your answer.

Sadly, we are using a skeletal animation, so I don’t figure how to set interpolation key.
My animator confirm that the animation has key every frame for the position, and the engine change one key for interpolate.

I imagine I can add in C++ some threshold to avoir the creation of new key if the distance is too high, or shutdown this process with a flag. But I can’t find where it is in the engine.
I don’t understand if the animation is processed frame by frame or if there is a pre-process at loading.

In our game we have a lot of animations and our cinematics came from Motion capture so it’s easier for our animator to build the sequence in motion builder.

I want to simplify the integration with the less custom manipulation in the sequencer.