Instanced Static Mesh causing network issues in packaged builds

Hi Epic,

There is something wrong with packaged builds & instanced static meshes which are created in a blueprint’s construct script. The server’s network is being saturated if a player comes into contact with one of these instanced meshes.

This is a regression & needs a solution ASAP as it will be affecting a lot of games.

I am using the latest build pulled straight from 4.17 GitHub branch.

Server Log is filled with this when a player comes into contact:

[2017.09.14-17.12.00:306][ 28]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: Long net serialize: 21.294077ms, Serialized Object None
[2017.09.14-17.12.00:306][ 28]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: Long net serialize: 21.294077ms, Serialized Object None
[2017.09.14-17.12.00:308][ 28]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: NODE_AddInstancedStaticMeshComponent-2_27, ObjOuter: /Game/Maps/City.City:PersistentLevel.med_office_green11
[2017.09.14-17.12.00:331][ 28]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: Long net serialize: 20.907763ms, Serialized Object None

This question won’t be answered.


I already fixed an issue that is quite similar to this one for 4.17.2.

Let me know if it’s still happen after you tested with it.