Trigger a timer through another blueprint

I want to use one master trigger box to trigger timers in a few different blueprints. Reading up on communicating between blueprints but I haven’t been getting anywhere!

So I want to start the timers on the left with a trigger box in the level blueprint (or any blueprint) on the right. The reason - because I want to have a few timers from different blueprints starting at the same time, rather than having to use separate trigger boxes for each one - this kind of works if the boxes are in the same place but it will probably cause problems.

Any idea?

You need to get a copy of the bp in which your start timer or trigger event is (either with a get all actor of class or a cast to whatever the bp containing the custom event is) then, while dragging the actor pin, seach for your custom event by name. This will link the pin going in to trigger your custom event in whichever bp it is in.

(assume in the image that my “start timmer” custom event in in an actor bp called “timmer”, which I am getting all instances of through get all actor of class. be carefull though, as get all with get, well all the actors that corespond to this class so if you have hundreds of them it can be a pretty heavy operation. I didnt add a sreenshot of the timmer bp because its litterally just a custom event that would link to whatever you want it to be doing)

Not sure how clear this all is but I hope it helped!

Thanks Chime, works perfectly :slight_smile: I understand using Get All Actors now, but I wonder if you can explain how I could use Cast to Blueprint as well? I’ve been trying something like this

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

You need to cast something (in the object pin) as that Blueprint. You’d generally use a cast like this if you were getting an actor the game was not able to recognise as a specific bp type on its own (like say, if you were using the “other actor” pin from the begin overlap and you wanted to trigger a custom event in the specific actor doing the overlap, you would need to cast it to the right bp for it to be able to get the variables or custom events that are inside of it)

So basically get all (actor of class) or (actor with tag) works if you want all the actor in your level that fit a criteria (have a specific tag or class), but if instead you want to use a specific instance of an actor bp, you need to get it in some way (say, from an overlap) and then cast it to its actual bp type for unreal to understand what it is.

Thanks! I’ll experiment with that :slight_smile: