Move to Location & Rotation Rate in AI Chracter

Hello everyone,
I’m using Berhavior Tree and a simple Move to Location node on my AI enemies controller to chase the player. The enemies are all characters.

This works great, and I get pathfinding out of it which is awesome. The one thing I’m curious about is limiting the rate at which the enemies can rotate to face the player.

Currently they have instantaneous rotation, and it seems like no configuration in the character movement component’s Rotation Rate, Use Controller Desired Rotation, Orient Rotation to Movement, or turning on and off the Use Controller Yaw can stop that (except turning rotation off completely). I think I’m fundamentally misunderstanding something here.

If anyone could point me in the right direction of how to use these two in conjunction (as I need the pathfinding) I’d really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Hello there,
To make your ai’s turn slowly, you have to

  • disable “use controller rotation yaw” (from actor(pawn) properties itself)
  • enable “orient rotation to movement” (from character movement component)
  • and change the speed of rotation by “rotation rate” properties (from character movement component, you have to change the “Yaw” value)

You can change “Ground Friction” too.

It seems this solution breaks the RotateToFaceBBEntry BT task, unfortunately…

Worked for me. Had to do my own in-place rotation to replace RotateToFaceBBEntry

To get it to work I had to DISABLE Orient rotation to movement