InstancedStaticMesh Collision Trouble - Advanced BP Scripting

Hello all I have a little trouble with Instanced Static Mesh Collision. I prefix that I’m already advanced user of UE4 Blueprint Scripting so this question is not for beginners. Dont ask me to post all code coz is a marketplace work in progress asset so I cant share all, but only what you need to simulate this problem and undestand if it is a bug our my fault.

For 1st make a instanced static mesh (Wall) in a Blueprint
Make a function to set up Collision for Visibile channel to Ignore our Block in function based on input bool value

Set the value to false to disable collisions for your Instanced Static Mesh (Wall)

Add fiew instances to this Instanced Static Mesh (Wall)

Enable Back the collision for the Istanced Static Mesh (Instanced Static Mesh)

Now Make a Line Trace that use the Chanel that you switched Collision Type (Visibility). Cast to Instanced Static Mesh and see if Hit Component give you Hit Item value (Result must be the Index of the Instance in the Wall Instanced Static Mesh).

I think is the problem of UE4 Source Engine code, becouse probably Instanced Static Mesh is the Parent and Instances was Childrens. And probably when you try to change Collision proprety they apply only to the Parent and didn’t propagate to the children, in this case is a bug that must be fixed by UE4 developers.
If I’m wrong I want a explane what is my code mistake.

PS: If you dont touch collision proprety line trace work properly and found index for evry instances.